Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Watch The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag (1992) on videoweed free

Watch The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag (1992) online on videoweed now for free. This movie is about Betty Lou is a librarian in a very small town. Her husband, Alex, is a police detective who takes her for granted. She is the ultimate mouse. After a gangland figure is mysteriously murdered in town, she finds the murder weapon, but can't get anyone's attention to tell them (we're talking very mousy, here). Finally in a fit of frustration she fires it in a restroom and when taken to the police station insists she is the murderer. It has the desired effect, people do pay attention to her. With hints at social graces from the hookers in her cell block, she's on her way.. Directed by Allan Moyle and played by some actors such as Penelope Ann Miller,Eric Thal,Alfre Woodard,Julianne Moore,Cathy Moriarty. I try to gather videoweed links and put them here. Sometimes the file is erased by hosting, so please click the mirror links. Watch the The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag (1992) full movie today without downloading.

Movie description

  • Movie certificate: PG_13
  • Movie duration (minutes): 99
  • Released on : 1992-08-21
  • Studio:

Youtube trailer

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